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Send notifications when tasked assigned
Feature request
Under Review August 13, 2024
When assigning tasks to stakeholders, there is no option to 'send task assigned' email. For example, Speaker Tasks.... - Go to Speakers - Create a Task - Select the task > Actions > View Assignments - Add designated speakers who the task is to be assigned to (or assign it as a global task) - In the Actions drop down, there is no option to select 'Send Task' or 'Send Task Assigned Notification'--- only the options showing in this screenprint - I have tested this feature by assigning a task to myself and waiting a couple of days to see if I get a notification of a task being assigned to me... I don't. So.... what this looks like is that as organizers, we are reminding stakeholders of a pending task, but they don't even know that a task(s) was assigned to them in the first place! I am suggesting that either 1) when a task is assigned, Pheedloop automatically sends a 'new task assigned' email or 2) Have the option in the Actions dropdown to select 'Send Task Assigned Notification'
Thanks for your feedback
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